

Detail of published survey

You will find an overview of respondents, information whether the respondent answered, time of notification in the detail of a published survey. Furthermore, you will see the condition [1] for displaying results. You can add respondents [2] to the published survey, the newly added respondents will receive a link in a notification email. If you have selected a completion rate option, you will see End voting button [3] to end voting before the survey is fully completed. If one of the respondents did not respond or did not receive a notification email, try the Re-send e-mail to inactive respondents [4]. You can see the exact time of notification [5] of each respondent. Furthermore, Re-send button [7] is available for a specific respondent who has not yet responded to the survey. Once the user responds to the survey, the re-send option will not be available. You can also delete [6] the respondent.