

My surveys

You will get to the detail of the survey after clicking on the name of the survey [1] in My surveys section. The link to the detail of the survey will be sent to you by e-mail after publishing the survey. There are also information on what type of survey [2] it is in the overview, ie whether it is terminated by a deadline (D), the number of minutes since sending (M) or the completion rate (F). There are also information on the number of uploaded files [3] for the survey. Click the Copy as Concept button [4] to create a concept for the survey. Your survey can also be deleted [5], this process is irreversible. The surveys have several states - concept, published, finished. If a deadline or a number of minutes to complete is selected as a validity condition of the published survey, the status changes from published to finished after the time expires. The status filled in is displayed only if the survey is filled to 100% in case of the completion rate condition,