Online application form

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You can apply to Palacký University via Online Application Form, which can be found in Portal:

Current UP students do not have to register again in the Online Application Form and they only have to use their login details they used for their previous application. If you forgot your password or login, use the Forgotten Password page to restore your login details. Check the Online Application Form FAQ if you have any other questions, and if you did not find any suitable answer for your problem, contact Helpdesk at with technical issues, or contact your student service department with any other questions regarding the Online Application Form.

Applicants must sign up to the Online Application Form system. Do not worry, the sign up proces is fairly easy, you only have to fill in your name, surname, e-mail address and choose a password. Then you’ll be able to log in to the system. Should you have any technical issues with the application form system, contact Whether you have any other questions regarding the application form, contact your student service department. However, you should read the Online Application Form FAQ first.

However, you should find out what each faculty requires from its applicants before you send your application. Some faculties require to send the shortened version of application form, some do not. If you pay for the application by postal order or by online transfer check your variable symbol carefully, because should there be any typos the payment will not be matched with your application. You do not have to worry about that if you use the payment portal in the Online Application Form, because it will set everything up for you.

Online Application Form FAQ

Should you have any questions regarding the Online Application Form, go to Online Application Form FAQ first. If you cannot find answer to your question, contact or your student service department with non-technical inqueries.