Mozilla Thunderbird pro zamestnance/en: Porovnání verzí

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(Založena nová stránka s textem „Fill in all the information necessary and click ''Continue''. Your e-mail adress is "'' and password is the one you set up in portal.“)
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Řádek 4: Řádek 4:
=== Step 1 - Setting up an account ===
=== Step 1 - Setting up an account ===

Click '''Settings''' in upper right corner and choose '''Account settings'''.
Click '''Options''' in upper right corner and choose '''Account settings'''.

[[File:Thunderbird zam 01.png|center|Thunderbird zam 01.png]]
[[File:Thunderbird en 01.png|center|Thunderbird en 01.png]]

=== Step 2 - Add account ===
=== Step 2 - Add an account ===

Click the ''Account actions"" and then choose '''Add mail account'''.
Click the ''Account actions"" and then choose '''Add mail account'''.

[[File:Thunderbird zam 02.png|center|Thunderbird zam 02.png]]
[[File:Thunderbird en 02.png|center|Thunderbird en 02.png]]

=== Step 3 - Creating a new account ===
=== Step 3 - Creating a new account ===

Fill in all the information necessary and click ''Continue''. Your e-mail adress is "'' and password is the one you set up in portal.
Enter your login details and click ''Continue''. Your e-mail adress is "'' and password is the one you set up in Portal.

[[File:Thunderbird zam 03.png|center|Thunderbird zam 03.png]]
[[File:Thunderbird en 03.png|center|Thunderbird en 03.png]]

=== Krok 4 - Rozšířené nastavení ===
=== Step 4 - Enhanced configuration ===

''Thunderbird ''bude načítat nastavení schránky ze serveru. Nicméně je nutné provést potřebné úpravy. Klikněte na možnost '''Rozšířené nastavení'''.
Thunderbird will try to detect all the necessary settings, which will not be successful. It is important to make some changes in settings. Choose option ''Enhanced config''.

[[File:Thunderbird zam 04.png|center|Thunderbird zam 04.png]]
[[File:Thunderbird en 04.png|center|Thunderbird en 04.png]]

Jako ''název serveru IMAP ''vložte '''''', SSL nastavte na '''SSL/TSL '''a autentizaci nastavte na '''Heslo, zabezpečený přenos'''. Poté nastavte uživatelské jméno, které je vaše Portal ID ve tvaru ''''''
''IMAP'' server address is '''''', set SSL to '''SSL/TLS'''. Your username is your Portal ID in  '''' format. Set authentization in IMAP and SMTP to '''Password, secured transmission'''. Then click OK. Set the rest according to the printscreen.

[[File:Thunderbird zam 05.png|center|Thunderbird zam 05.png]]
[[File:Thunderbird zam en 05.png|center|Thunderbird zam en 05.png]]
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