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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
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Palacký University enables access to ''electronic information sources'' to all of UP students and academic employees exclusively for their academic use. Users can access only some of the electronic information resources through the '''Shibboleth''' technology. However there is no need to set-up your computer to connect to these sources and you only need to know your login and password, which is your '''Portal ID''' and portal password.
Palacký University enables access to ''electronic information sources'' to all of UP students and academic employees exclusively for their academic use.

You can access licensed sources especially, which are under contract between UP and sources supplier. Electronic information resources are usually accessible from whole university, however, some of them might be restricted only to some faculties. Furthermore, some sources can be used by a limited number of users at the same time. You can access electronic resources only from computers connected to UP computer network or using VPN (''except for Shibboleth resources''). You can find all available electronic information resources at '''[]'''.
You can access licensed sources especially, which are under contract between UP and sources supplier. Electronic information resources are usually accessible from whole university, however, some of them might be restricted only to some faculties. Furthermore, some sources can be used by a limited number of users at the same time. You can access electronic resources only from computers connected to UP computer network or using VPN (''except for'' '''Shibboleth''' ''resources''). You can find all available electronic information resources at '''[]'''. Users can access only some of the electronic information resources through the '''Shibboleth''' technology. However there is no need to set-up your computer to connect to these sources and you only need to know your login and password, which is your '''Portal ID''' and portal password.

== Shibboleth ==
== Shibboleth ==

Users can access various protected information sources available to UP through the Shibboleth technology easily, without need to set up their computer. You can access licensed databases only using your Portal login and password.
Users can access various protected information sources available to UP through the Shibboleth technology easily without any previous computer set up. You can access licensed databases using only your Portal login and password.

=== How do I recognize Shibboleth resources? ===
=== How do I recognize Shibboleth resources? ===

Databáze, do kterých je možné vstupovat prostřednictvím '''Shibboleth '''jsou na webových stránkách '''[] '''označeny nápisem '''Shibboleth '''v hranatých závorkách (kromě zdrojů '''Science Direct''' a '''Scopus''').
'''Shibboleth''' databases are marked by a Shibboleth sign written in brackets (except for Science Direct and Scopus). Databases are available at  '''[]'''.

[[File:Shibboleth 01.png|center|Shibboleth 01.png]]
[[File:Shibboleth 01.png|center|Shibboleth 01.png]]

=== Jak se do databází Shibboleth přihlásím z domova? ===
=== How can I log into Shibboleth databases from home? ===

Předvedeme si proces přihlášení přes Shibboleth na databázi Web of Science. Klikneme na nápis '''Shibboleth''', který vidíme v seznamu zdrojů vedle tlačítka připojit (viz. obrázek výše)
Let’s take a look how to sign in the Web Of Science database. Click the '''Shibboleth''' sign which is next to the Connect button.

==== <br/>Krok 1: V rozrolovacím menu zvolíme možnost „Czech academic identify federation“ a potvrdíme tlačítkem Go. ====
==== Step 1: Choose ''Czech academy identify federation'' and click Go. ====

[[File:Shibboleth 02.png|center|Shibboleth 02.png]]
[[File:Shibboleth 02.png|center|Shibboleth 02.png]]

==== Krok 2: Po pokynu Zvolte svou domovskou organizaci vyberete v rozrolovacím menu Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci a kliknete na tlačítko Zvolit. ====
==== Step 2: Choose your ''Home organization'' – either Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci or Palacký University and click Choose. ====

[[File:Shibboleth 03.png|center|Shibboleth 03.png]]
[[File:Shibboleth 03.png|center|Shibboleth 03.png]]

==== Krok 3: Nyní se přihlaste pod stejným jménem a heslem jako do Portálu UP. ====
==== Step 3: Use your Portal ID login and password to sign in. ====

[[File:Shibboleth 04.png|center|Shibboleth 04.png]]
[[File:Shibboleth 04.png|center|Shibboleth 04.png]]
Řádek 32: Řádek 32:
== EBSCOhost ==
== EBSCOhost ==

Úplně totožný postup funguje i u dalších databází, např. databází na platformě EBSCOhost.
You can connect in almost the same way to databases under EBSCOhost platform.

==== Krok 1: V rozrolovacím menu zvolíme možnost „Czech academic identify federation“. ====
==== Step 1: Select ''Czech academic identify federation'' ====

[[File:Shibboleth 05.png|center|Shibboleth 05.png]]
[[File:Shibboleth 05.png|center|Shibboleth 05.png]]

==== Krok 2: Nyní vyberete v rozrolovacím menu Palacký University, Olomouc. ====
==== Step 2: Now choose Palacký University ====

Poté se přihlásíte pod stejným jménem a heslem jako do Portálu UP.
Then use your Portal UP login details to sign in.

[[File:Shibboleth 06.png|center|Shibboleth 06.png]]
[[File:Shibboleth 06.png|center|Shibboleth 06.png]]

== Science Direct a Scopus ==
== Science Direct and Scopus ==

Do těchto dvou databází se lze přihlásit následujícím způsobem (ukážeme si postup jen na databázi ''Scopus''). Jediný rozdíl v postupu přihlášení je ten, že po vstupu na stránku kliknete v pravém horním rohu na '''Login '''a zvolíte '''Go to Athens / Institution login'''. Následně je pak již postup stejný jako u předchozích databází.
You can access these two databases easily (we will show you how to do it in ''Scopus'' database).
What differs is that after you visit the database, you have to click upper right corner Login button and choose '''Go to Athens/Institution login'''. Then you should use your Portal ID and password to sign in.

[[File:Shibboleth 07.png|center|Shibboleth 07.png]]
[[File:Shibboleth 07.png|center|Shibboleth 07.png]]
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