

Create a new survey

When you click on Create survey button on the main page, you will see a short setup form. First, enter a survey name [1], which will be displayed in administration and in notification e-mail for respondetns as well. The you must enter your e-mail address [2] to which you will receive a notification e-mail, when the survey is created and when the survey is completely answered. You can enter more than one e-mail addresses of the survey administrators, who will receive the link to the survey administration when the survey is published. Enter a list of e-mail addresses of respondents [3] to the form. The addresses can be divided either by comma or semicolon. If you forget any address, you can add it later to concept or even to a published survey. Furthermore, you can set a custom e-mail subject [4] and a custom signature [5] which will be displayed in the notification e-mail for respondents. The signature field is not mandatory, it can remain empty.