13 897
značka: editace z Vizuálního editoru |
značka: editace z Vizuálního editoru |
Řádek 7: | Řádek 7: | ||
When you click on Create survey button on the main page, you will see a short setup form. First, enter a '''survey name [1]''', which will be displayed in administration and in notification e-mail for respondetns as well. The you must enter '''your e-mail address [2]''' to which you will receive a notification e-mail, when the survey is created and when the survey is completely answered. You can enter more than one e-mail addresses of the survey administrators, who will receive the link to the survey administration when the survey is published. Enter a list of e-mail addresses of '''respondents [3]''' to the form. The addresses can be divided either by comma or semicolon. If you forget any address, you can add it later to concept or even to a published survey. Furthermore, you can set a custom '''e-mail subject [4]''' and a '''custom signature [5]''' which will be displayed in the notification e-mail for respondents. The signature field is not mandatory, it can remain empty. | When you click on Create survey button on the main page, you will see a short setup form. First, enter a '''survey name [1]''', which will be displayed in administration and in notification e-mail for respondetns as well. The you must enter '''your e-mail address [2]''' to which you will receive a notification e-mail, when the survey is created and when the survey is completely answered. You can enter more than one e-mail addresses of the survey administrators, who will receive the link to the survey administration when the survey is published. Enter a list of e-mail addresses of '''respondents [3]''' to the form. The addresses can be divided either by comma or semicolon. If you forget any address, you can add it later to concept or even to a published survey. Furthermore, you can set a custom '''e-mail subject [4]''' and a '''custom signature [5]''' which will be displayed in the notification e-mail for respondents. The signature field is not mandatory, it can remain empty. | ||
'''Survey validity settings [6]''' means the condition according to which you will see the results or interim results (in case of completion rate setting) of the survey in its administration. You can set the validity to deadline, completion rate or number of minutes from the start. Also, you can set the survey as '''secret or public [7].''' This means that author or survey administrators will not see who voted and how in case of secret survey. If the survey is public, then the author and administrators will see who voted and how. You can also choose to enable respondent commentary to the survey, which then will be displayed in results. There will be only one comment text box, if there is more than one question in the survey. | '''Survey validity settings [6]''' means the condition according to which you will see the results or interim results (in case of completion rate setting) of the survey in its administration. You can set the validity to deadline, completion rate or number of minutes from the start. Also, you can set the survey as '''secret or public [7].''' This means that author or survey administrators will not see who voted and how in case of secret survey. If the survey is public, then the author and administrators will see who voted and how. You can also choose to enable respondent '''commentary [8]''' to the survey, which then will be displayed in results. There will be only one comment text box, if there is more than one question in the survey. | ||
If you need to add more answers to the survey, click the '''add option [9]''' button. You can also add '''another question [10].''' Furthermore, you can upload an '''attachment [11]''' to the survey, which will be available to the respondents on their survey page. Attachment is not mandatory. When you click the '''publish survey [12]''' all respondents, author and survey administrators will receive a notification e-mail. Each respondent will receive an unique link to the survey. No one can cast more than one vote. If you want to prepare a survey for later publishing, click the '''Create concept [13]'''. [[Soubor:Anketa en 02.png|alt=|střed|bezrámu|1000x1000pixelů]] | |||
'''Jestli vás některý z respondentů po publikování ankety kontaktuje, že mu nepřišel odkaz na anketu, je potřeba, aby si respondent zkontroloval schránku se spamem/nevyžádanou poštou případně ať vyhledá email z adresy noreply@upol.cz.''' | '''Jestli vás některý z respondentů po publikování ankety kontaktuje, že mu nepřišel odkaz na anketu, je potřeba, aby si respondent zkontroloval schránku se spamem/nevyžádanou poštou případně ať vyhledá email z adresy noreply@upol.cz.''' | ||
===Nastavení platnosti ankety=== | ===Nastavení platnosti ankety=== |