VPN connection for Windows 10

Z wiki.upol.cz
Verze z 4. 11. 2015, 09:49, kterou vytvořil Babuto00 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Once the login window comes up, fill in the login details - your '''Portal ID'' - and your password set up in Portal. Then click ''Connect''…“)
Jiné jazyky:

You can find all the basic, necessary steps, which must be done before you can connect to UP VPN network, at page with all the basic information regarding UP network. Please, continue only after finishing all the steps, or you will be unable to connect to the VPN properly. So, how to we set up the VPN?

Krok 1 - Centrum síťových připojení a sdílení

Right-click the wireless connection button and choose Network and sharing center. When a new window opens up choose option Set up a new connection or network.

Krok 2 - Připojit k firemní síti

Set up connection or network tab opens up. Choose Connect to a workplace option.

Krok 3 - VPN

Choose Use my Internet connection (VPN) in the next window.

Krok 4 - Vyplnění informací

Fill in the IP address into the box Internet address.

You can create any Destination name you want, however, we recommend using UPOL or UPOL VPN, because this way you can identify UP VPN network easily.

Now, enable the option Do not connect now (...) as we have to finish setting up network specifications. Click on the button Next.

Krok 5 - Vlastnosti

It is quite important to make some changes in the settings of the VPN network. First, go to Control panel , then click on Network and Internet, where you should find Network Connections. You will find your newly created UP VPN network there. Right-click the VPN network and choose Properties.

Krok 6 - Záložka "Zabezpečení"

Check the IP address in the General tab. Then move on to the Security tab. Now, set up Data encryption, choose Require encryption option. Next, choose Allow these protocols and enable protocol MS-CHAP v2 in the Authentication option. Then click OK to accept all the changes.

Krok 7 - Připojení

Now we've set up everything we need to use the VPN network. You can connect to the VPN network quite easily. Click on the wireless connection button, choose the UP VPN network and click the Connect button.

Krok 8 - Síťová připojení

Now choose the UP VPN network and click Connect.

Krok 9 - Přihlášení do sítě

Once the login window comes up, fill in the login details - your 'Portal ID - and your password set up in Portal. Then click Connect and you're connected.

Budete-li se chtít po dokončení práce odhlásit, klikněte opět na ikonku bezdrátového připojení na hlavním panelu a vyberte možnost Odpojit.