Eduroam WiFi for iOS 9

Verze z 29. 10. 2015, 13:15, kterou vytvořil Babuto00 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Noteː It is possible that before step 3 a table named ''Search for online networks failed''. Just click on Dismiss and then go to step 3.“)

You can find all the basic and necessary steps which must be done before you connect to eduroam WiFi at page with all the basic information regarding UP network. You should continue reading this manual only after you finish all the necessary steps. So, how to we set up the WiFi? If you are using iOS8 you can follow this manual as well.

Step 1

Go to the Settings and the find WiFi tab. Tap on eduroam.

Wifi ios9 01.PNG

Step 2

Write down your login info in the new table. Your login is your Portal ID in form and a password which you set up in the Portal.

Students login will look like:, Students can find their Portal ID in Portal tab Contacts. Employees user ID is the same as their Portal login: např. Employees should find their login details from the computer network administrators.

Wifi ios9 02.PNG

Notice: Your eduroam login detail is not your e-mail address.

Step 3

Once the certificate tab opens you should just click Trust and afterwards you will be logged in the network.

Wifi ios9 04.PNG

Noteː It is possible that before step 3 a table named Search for online networks failed. Just click on Dismiss and then go to step 3.

Wifi ios9 03.PNG

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Kontaktujte v případě dalších potíží svého správce fakultní sítě:

jméno telefon e-mail fakulta
Mgr. Eva Slavíčková 585 637 300 CMTF
Aleš Pop 585 632 957 LF
Medard Kuřimský 585 633 049 FF
Ing. Adéla Mayerová 585 634 055 PřF
Ing. Ivana Weberová 585 631 793 PdF
Ing. Pavel Brázda 585 636 040 FTK
Mgr. Petr Suta 585 637 553 PF
Maroš Gemzický 585 632 813