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 h English (en)'''External server IMAP setup'''</br >
Server name: imap4s.upol.cz</br >
Port: 993</br >
Encryption method: SSL</br >

'''Internal server IMAP setup'''</br >
Server name: srv-es01.up.upol.cz</br >
Port: 993</br >
Encryption method: SSL</br >

'''External server SMTP setup'''</br >
Server name: smtp.upol.cz</br >
Port: 25</br >
Encryption method: TLS </br >

'''Internal server SMTP setup'''</br >
Server name: smtp.upol.cz</br >
Port: 25</br >
Encryption method: TLS</br >

== Information regarding Focused inbox in Office365 ==

With the transition of e-mail accounts to the Office365 cloud solution, users who use web access may find that some emails, especially bulk emails, do not arrive.

In https://outlook.com/upol.cz, there is a Focused Inbox box in Settings, which creates a Other tab, where some mail is automatically included.

[[Soubor:Office dorucena 4.png|center]]

Each user can reconfigure as they see fit. It can either use the Inbox split into Focused and other or receive all messages only in the primary folder. 

[[Soubor:Office dorucena 3.png|center]]